two posts in two days.... wtf is going on?? I need a proper hobby
Finished work at lunchtime today - not for any special reason, just a normal Friday on late shift, finished by 11.30 - 12.30, my finish time depending on how bad the traffic was on the way in, hence what time I manage to actually start work. So here I am, sat on the sofa watching music telly.
Watched bullet boy rental dvd earlier, which was better than I thought it would be. Makes me glad that I've never really found myself in the position that the characters in the film were in, stuck in that negative rut of gangs n all that. Reminds me of the parents against violence dinner me and k went to a few months ago in leyton, and how people who live 'on the street' are so obsessed about other people's opinions and not wanting to be seen 'slipping' or something like that. Though, quite a lot of people get too concerned over the bitching of others, especially at work. I spose you've just got to accept that people are going to say negative stuff about you at some point, probably at least as much as you say negative stuff about them, whether it's behind their backs or to their face.
Well that's as profound as my ponderings are ever likely to get, especially when it's on less than 6 hours sleep. Not trying to be a martyr, just a rubbish excuse.