doph's world
03 October, 2006
  Odd dream
Just had an odd dream. I was going to see a primary school play with mates from back home, and on the way I got overly concerned with the tidiness of my trainers and general appearance, which is odd as I'm typically a scruffy get. So I lagged behind a fair bit, then as I went to go into the place, I noticed the exterior was like a pub. My mates had already gone inside, so I went in, saw some people queueing for tickets, whereas ours were already pre-booked, so I cautiously slid through the door into a bar area. Through the door it was very dark, and I couldn't see any of my lot, so I stood by the entrance for a few moments looking like a muppet, squinting to see if I could recognize anyone. After a few mins, I heard the voice of one of my mates, so I followed it and said hello and where is everyone else? He wasn't too sure, seemed like he lived there or something, he was standing by a very shallow bath or a shower cubicle without the shower, and images passed through my head of half naked people kind of writhing around in there, at least a dozen or so which was surprising as you could have barely fitted one person in there. I turned to my left, and saw an entrance to what looked like swansea leisure centre swimming pool, with the entrance say 20m up from floor level. It looked like loads of people were in there, so I thought my lot might be in there as well, then I realised I had no swimming trunks with me. Despite these being fairly obvious things to not carry around with me, it felt daft to have come unprepared. I went back through the bar, out onto the street, in case any of my lot were outside. Three girls, in their early 20's, so a few years younger than me, were standing outside and asked me to help them get in. I hesitated, as I was kind of busy, then obliged and walked into the bar, with them behind me. I left them in there, and carried on looking around for my mates. Then a door opened and loads of people came out of some sort of hall into the bar, where the primary school play had been going on. Still couldn't find my mates, woke up.

Felt like jotting that down, not sure what the meaning is but right now. I was going to save it on my hard disk, but as I shove all other thoughts onto my site why not dreams as well? Need to make sandwhiches for today at work, so that's all.


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