doph's world
28 May, 2009
  Reading poetry! Out Loud! In front of people!

First time reading out poetry on Tuesday :o) Went to the 'poetry unplugged' evening at the Poetry cafe, near covent garden. Read out beers and sports, was quite well received and even got a few laughs. Think the thumping in my chest has just about calmed though, was nervous as fuck stood by the mic reading it out. Not got a huge amount of experience at public speaking, really bloody helps having it all written down in front of you though :p

After going to the Stratford theatre bar to watch the odd bit of poetry when I was living over the other side of town and not quite having the courage to put my name forward to read one, it's been a long time coming. Think I first said to myself that I'd like to try reading poetry out over 5/6 years ago, back when I was temping in Swansea. Was sat by a Canadian chap called Mike who read out an interesting one about a dark haired woman passing him whilst he lay in a field in portugal. Quite vivid pictures. Might check out the Bristish Haiku society, which he mentioned.

Been getting on well with SOP and form writing at work this week, feels good to be getting into a decent rhythm in the project. Hopefully it'll continue to go well past the point when the inspectors come in to check out the facility in july.

The cycling to n from work is going well for the most part. Only managed 3/5 days last week, which isn't all that bad, on for 4/4 this week though. For a while the ride in was seeming to get a little quicker, though I suspect it's slowed a little the last week or so. Need a little more sleep, methinks. Speaking of which, do I watch an episode of battestar gallactica or go to bed sharpish? Hmmm. The first one of the miniseries was an hour and a bloody half, don't think I should be up past half 12. Again.

Either way, I've run out of vaguely interesting things to say.


25 May, 2009
  toasted, tired and enthused
Busy times, busy indeed.

Though I suspect things might slow down for a little bit! After recent trips to the US and Hong Kong, need to keep my head down a little for the next few months. Or at least in terms of money.

Finally sent my latest open uni assignment off today. Hope these bloggings aren't getting too samey, please feel free to email me feedback if that's the case! I've found the few days after completing and posting tma's quite calming over these courses, even though I know I can't afford to pause my studies for long, never that far from the next deadline!

Really needed those travels, joining current job meant I wasn't allowed to take leave for the first three months, probs the longest I've been for a looong time without a day off. Was starting to really knacker me, getting a little bit too much on a plateau of ticking over and feeling a little unenthused and reactive. Since seeing seth in the us, and rowan in hong kong, and remembering how a load of hard graft and proactively looking at things is what I need right now. Including this sort of thing, I feel re-invigorated and ready to do more creative things in spare time. Seems odd to be so busy doing things, living life when away but only plodding along when at home. Only so many leave days in the year, why wait for them to do something interesting?

Just need to be a little more careful with moneys for a while.

Not so moaney about being single with half empty bed at the moment, though it is a little frustrating in obvious ways. Realised the other day how full of shit it is to be regularly reading Hagakure - book of the samurai, reading about dashing headlong and sod the consequences, but allowing lazy timidity to overcome me when on a night out. Pretending to myself that I'm being laid back and non-desparate when really it's a matter of fearing rejection, hoping some woman is gonna make it easy for me.

Pretty good bank holiday weekend, bbq round mine on friday, then went out to brighton by car on sat evening after watching twickenham sevens during the day. Arms legs n face are still a tad crispy n burnt from sleeping on brighton beach on sunday. Started watching battlestar galactica today, a fact that my brothers will be most happy to hear! Been badgered by seth for quite some time to get watching them, that n curb your enthusiasm (speaking of which, I watched the 'christ nail' episode on the plane, think it was either on the way back from boston or the way to hong kong - haha that sounds a bit dickish n showing off, so be it). Found it to be pretty good, watched it with the laptop hooked up to the telly n hi fi. Made congee, or at least tried to, whilst watching it and other stuff, sat on the sofa. Turned out ok, bit bland but was nice with a touch of sweet chili n five spice.

Definately bed time now, rest needed for a busy week writing SOP's at work and hopefully other writing related stuff of an evening. Looks like I might be trying a short dj set at a folklore hurricane night at mau mau, portabello road on the 3rd June. Also, London bash is next weekend, will be good times :o)



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