bits n bobs
Didn't go to that Concretes gig the other week, by the time we had dinner it wasn't worth the effort of getting into central London to watch half a gig, especially as it was free.Easter was nice, we got the flat back to a tidy-ish state again, it'd got pretty bad over the last month or so. Went to B&Q to get some stuff for the garden, so once I get round to actually planting the various flowers n that, and setting up the patio set it should be pretty nice out there. Probably a good thing that we didn't spend as much time doing garden stuff as we meant to, since the weather seems to have gone lovely and cold again, maybe planning for BBQs n stuff has forced the weather to be rubbish. Can't be arsed to spend too much money on the garden though, as that'd be a little daft given that we're renting.Found a better route to work for early shift - 406 then a1 then m1 then on from there, a fair bit quicker than the M25, less mileage and slightly slower speeds on average, so as well as the time I should save a few pennies on diesel. Speaking of which, k found the invoice from the garage saying what needs doing to the car so once I finally (2000 miles later) get loan money together from barclays or first direct, all will be good again.time for my afternoon nap (albeit a bit later than usual).doph