Lots done
Ah, one of those productive days.
Shame they don't come all that often, but it's just nice when they do.
Went into work a few hours early today - should have started at 1 pm but arrived at 11 ish - and went into the libarary there to do some proper studying for my ou course. It's always difficult on late shift to get anything done in the morning, as I need to leave the house by around half eleven to make sure I get in on time.
So if I do manage to resist lying in till 10 o clock, it's still really weird knowing I've got to wind up whatever I start doing, such as studying or very rarely some writing, by 10 or 11 ish so there's still time to make my sandwiches n that. The good thing about today was I arrived with loads of time to spare so I could work away happy in the knowledge that I'd pretty much definately make it into the lab on time. Plus I got a reasonable amount done in work, so altogether a good day.
Got to start a little earlier tomorrow (12) so I'll try to do the same again, as long as the traffic plays along with my plan. Been getting through the Michel Thomas italian cd's the last few weeks, on cd3 now so it's slow progress seeing as we've already been to rome and now I don't really need to know it so urgently, though my journeys to and from work are a little boring so it's nice to learn something at the same time as cruising lazily or sitting in traffic.