Roma baby!

Hello peoples.
Hello from rome/roma, here I'm having the best time. Yesterday we went to some more local places to our hostel, various piazzas like reppublica, quirinale where there seems to be a big military place (I expect I'll look up what it actually is later) and the trevi fountain.
Today went to the colloseum, roman forums and other stuff in that area like capitoline? hill with the museums that had the big statue of marcus aurelius on a horse, made around the time he was alive (I think the 2nd or 3rd century?). Really bad with the facts, glad I didn't try to do history in school!
Tomorrow, we're off to the vatican and all that entails. K managed to get us entry to St Peters crypt downstairs there, I'm a little bit paranoid that they'll somehow sense we're slightly heathen and get k to go confession for bloody ages, and just not let me in until I tell them I believe in god. Probably be a long day then.
Well, now I've transferred my photos from the camera to my flash stick I may as well upload one with this post (see above I think)