Tidy uup
aaaah. Nice tidy flat.
One of those shockingly rare occassions where we've actually done a proper bit of cleaning, even involving mopping the mankier part of the kitchen floor. Such a nice feeling seeing all the empty floor space, gives a sense of opportunity I think.
Started writing a short story earlier, about my previous job at the radiopharmacy. Managed to resist the temptation to rush it and finish it in one session, I'm kind of umming and aahing over specifics like peoples names and that. Probably not that important really, if needs be I'll look some random names up and use them.
In some ways I'd rather do a few more about my temping days, create kind of a collection/series. Best finish this one first though, or it'll just sit on my memory stick for bloody ages.
Time for bed, gotta be up annoyingly early in the morning for sunday shift.
ps the link is to a blog I found using the blogger 'random blog' search, it's got loads of really good pictures on it amongst the usual bloggy stuff.