doph's world
Just found the above link on google video site. Transformers the movie baby! Although I have suspicions that the original cartoon version, with, I believe, Iron Maiden or something very similar doing the soundtrack, will be much better than a proper film studio one.
Plus the fools seem to be making a big thing of Michael Bay being the director. I'm certainly no film buff or anything twattish like that, but I think that in Team America world police by South Park people, there was most of a song about how shite a job Michael Bay did on Pearl Harbour:
'I miss you more then Michael Bay missed the mark
When he made Pearl Harbor
I miss you more than that movie missed the point
And that's an awful lot girl
And now, now you've gone away
And all I'm trying to say is
Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you
I need u like Ben Affleck needs acting school
He was terrible in that film
I need u like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part
He's way better than Ben Affleck
And now all I can think about is your smile
and that shitty movie too
Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you
Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I guess Pearl Harbor sucked
Just a little bit more than I miss you'
(got the lyrics from
Therefore the new transformers film may be a bit disappointing.
Saw Rocky Balboa this evening, not bad actually. Thought it'd be a bit naff but I quite enjoyed it. Fairly slow going, but I like those types of films. Obviously awesome when they whipped out the classic training montage with the rocky music going. da da daaa daaa etc.
Lots done
Ah, one of those productive days.
Shame they don't come all that often, but it's just nice when they do.
Went into work a few hours early today - should have started at 1 pm but arrived at 11 ish - and went into the libarary there to do some proper studying for my ou course. It's always difficult on late shift to get anything done in the morning, as I need to leave the house by around half eleven to make sure I get in on time.
So if I do manage to resist lying in till 10 o clock, it's still really weird knowing I've got to wind up whatever I start doing, such as studying or very rarely some writing, by 10 or 11 ish so there's still time to make my sandwiches n that. The good thing about today was I arrived with loads of time to spare so I could work away happy in the knowledge that I'd pretty much definately make it into the lab on time. Plus I got a reasonable amount done in work, so altogether a good day.
Got to start a little earlier tomorrow (12) so I'll try to do the same again, as long as the traffic plays along with my plan. Been getting through the Michel Thomas italian cd's the last few weeks, on cd3 now so it's slow progress seeing as we've already been to rome and now I don't really need to know it so urgently, though my journeys to and from work are a little boring so it's nice to learn something at the same time as cruising lazily or sitting in traffic.
Roma baby!
Hello peoples.
Hello from rome/roma, here I'm having the best time. Yesterday we went to some more local places to our hostel, various piazzas like reppublica, quirinale where there seems to be a big military place (I expect I'll look up what it actually is later) and the trevi fountain.
Today went to the colloseum, roman forums and other stuff in that area like capitoline? hill with the museums that had the big statue of marcus aurelius on a horse, made around the time he was alive (I think the 2nd or 3rd century?). Really bad with the facts, glad I didn't try to do history in school!
Tomorrow, we're off to the vatican and all that entails. K managed to get us entry to St Peters crypt downstairs there, I'm a little bit paranoid that they'll somehow sense we're slightly heathen and get k to go confession for bloody ages, and just not let me in until I tell them I believe in god. Probably be a long day then.
Well, now I've transferred my photos from the camera to my flash stick I may as well upload one with this post (see above I think)
Tidy uup
aaaah. Nice tidy flat.
One of those shockingly rare occassions where we've actually done a proper bit of cleaning, even involving mopping the mankier part of the kitchen floor. Such a nice feeling seeing all the empty floor space, gives a sense of opportunity I think.
Started writing a short story earlier, about my previous job at the radiopharmacy. Managed to resist the temptation to rush it and finish it in one session, I'm kind of umming and aahing over specifics like peoples names and that. Probably not that important really, if needs be I'll look some random names up and use them.
In some ways I'd rather do a few more about my temping days, create kind of a collection/series. Best finish this one first though, or it'll just sit on my memory stick for bloody ages.
Time for bed, gotta be up annoyingly early in the morning for sunday shift.
ps the link is to a blog I found using the blogger 'random blog' search, it's got loads of really good pictures on it amongst the usual bloggy stuff.
Sport n Speed Cameras (cunts)
First time in a long while (some say ever) that I've been and watched west ham win today - beat crap brighton 3-0 at upton park. Several people, including k and one of the supervisors at work, have been convinced that I'm the sole reason for west ham losing lots of games this season. Bit unfair really, seeing as it's unfair to blame just one or 2 players for a whole team getting poor results, it's even more unfair to blame someone who isn't even on the pitch!
Bit weird going back to work last week after around a week off over christmas, I kept not being able to sleep when going to bed around half eleven, then feeling knackered the next day, the week culminating in me sleeping in by an hour on thursday, thus being just under an hour late for work. Just great. Fuck it, it was one of those times when I wake suddenly, and realise before I look at the time that I've slept in. Really annoying, cos I'm sure I have no memory of my alarms going off, though I expect they did. Not quite the same as my proper laziness in Bristol, pressing snooze on the alarm clock for virtually the whole morning and missing loads of lectures.
Speaking of which, I've recently started Open University course S205, the molecular world. It's a level 2 course, so I spose that's the equivalent of 2nd year in normal uni. Might have mentioned it already on here, but never mind. Should be interesting this year, see how I cope with getting back into chemistry learning, this time a little more on my own terms though. All should be fine, just want to push on and get it done really. It is nice to read to learn instead of just novels n magazines n that, feel like I'm being that little bit more productive in life. Speaking of which, got one of the newer Murakami books for christmas so I'll be reading that sometime soon.
Speaking of christmas, I managed to get home in time for the Ospreys v Scarlets match so I got to see the Llanelli boys get a damn good pounding, which was rather nice! The bad thing is I've just got a speeding ticket through from South Wales Police, the fuckers caught me going 92 mph on the M4 on my way from working boxing day morning on my way home to watch the match. Well, I spose I should just be grateful that it's been so long before I got caught, though I got flashed on the 406 just the other day since then so I may have a rather nasty 9 points on my license in total given a few more weeks. Shit. Just as my insurance premium went down as well!
Looks like my boxing day overtime'll be paying for the ticket and the eventual increase in my insurance premium then, never mind it's done now so just have to be more careful in future, etc.
Odd listening to the radio at this time (2:30am) on a saturday night/sunday morning, as on early shift I'd be getting up in a few hours listening to the same dj. Very very weird.
Seeing as it's so late, time for bed.
bye bye